Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Is everyone an author? And what's up with words?

     Authorship as a whole has been revolutionized with the introduction of social media and technology. We're taught that authors write books, movies, plays, and poems. But what does it mean when someone writes a very convincing and engaging email or a though provoking Facebook status? Or even this blog post just like many other blog posts circling out there in the cyber world right now. The answer is pretty simple. With social media, blogging, and technology absolutely anyone can try their hand at being an author. Anyone can be engaging, thought provoking, convincing, entertaining, and as a whole just a plain and simple good writer. With these new outlets we've seen a change in the ways in which people can show off their writing abilities. Blogging in particular has become extremely successful. Blogging now can even become means for someone making income and having a job simply by typing from behind a computer screen. All in all, as humans adjust to the changes that come along with technology authorship is adapting to these changes as well.

     When you think about it words are pretty strange to decode. If you just say one word over and over again it becomes meaningless. But there's something about words when spoken and written that change the way we think. Just by changing one word in a sentence you can completely change the way that the recipient of that sentence or reader of an article will feel. Probably the simplest example would be by switching the words hate and love. So instead of announcing "I love you" you now say "I hate you." And subsequently the person you're talking or writing to goes from being happy to most likely being sad or angered. Words effect emotion and human behavior. They shape the way we live our lives. And yet it's strange to think we are so effected by lines formed into weird shapes that are spoken in a combination of sounds.

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