Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We, Robots

The idea of robots being able to surpass humans intellectually is quite frightening. This notion is definitely relevant to humankind in a growing technological era. As people, we pride ourselves on innovation and discovery. However, the issue becomes that in attempting to discover new technologies we lose some of our desire to continually make ourselves better and instead focus on continually making technology better.

In bringing robots into our world, we substitute man made activities with ativites that can be completed by technology. We lose the sense that we have to accomplish things for ourselves. We become content and lazy and ultimately stuck in our ways. On the other hand, without new technology society stagnates. Without technology there's no new iPhone to stimulate the economy, there's no new medical device to save a life, and no new discovery to spark more innovation and motivation among entrepreneurs and the scientific community.

Technology holds a place in our lives and we cannot turn back from what we've started. However, we have to be mindful of the consequences technologies, such as robots, place upon our society and ourselves. Like everything, robots are a tradeoff.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

project 5 updates

For project five I want to focus on an ad campaign. I think that this will be most effective because it could actually be used to persuade people. Combining ad campaigns with social media is most effective so I will also be creating a twitter page for it as well.This corresponds to my topic from project 4 because I'm using the same topic and basing my project on ways to persuade an audience most effectively.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

comic strip

the potato side of life comic

The comic represents time by showing the changes that have occurred since technological innovation. In showing the normal potato confused by his vegetable counterparts it represents the world moving to a different time- a time of genetically modified foods.

The comic represents motion by using similar colors and repetition throughout the 3 part sequence. In doing so your eye naturally moves from the left (beginning) of the comic to the right (end) of the comic.

The comic does not represent sound other than the "voice" of the potato talking.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

gmos + project 5

My topic is the genetic modification of food. I want to use multiple collages to create a marketing campaign against the use of GMO food crops. This would be powerful for my topic because it would aim to target the consumers that would be directly affected by consuming GMO's.