Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Why work is a blessing

     In a world that's becoming increasingly technology based manual labor is something that is rare and valued. The concept of "made in America" developed only after outsourcing and the rise of technologic advances that cut out the middle man. Work keeps economies alive. We see downturns in economies when work is hard to find and hard to keep. Work, therefore, can be seen as the backbone of America and other countries around the world.

     Besides being the backbone of America, work is also a way to support one's family. The income from work allows people to attain their wants and needs. Manual labor is an important source of work to many people especially in impoverished countries. Infrastructure program improvements run by and paid for by governments allows people that would normally not have work to have a reliable source of income. As a whole, work supports economies around the world and allows people to support themselves and their families. In this way, work is a blessing.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Project 2 reflection

    For this project the hardest aspect was choosing the direction of the visual. At first we wanted to compare and contrast the positive thoughts from society about pageants compared with the negative. We found that there were very few positive things society had to say about pageants in general when they dealt with kids. We decided that it would be most effective if we compared the physical/on the surface aspects of pageants to the emotional and mental effects that pageants have on children. By splitting Eden's face we were able to compare her natural and glitz state. Overall, after finding the initial direction the project went pretty smooth and working with Morgan was very easy and we worked well together in coming up with a powerful visual.

     I was surprised that I found the audio portions of the projects more impacting to the overall message. With our project I think that the audio presentation really furthered the message Morgan and I were trying to convey on the poster. I think that the audio following the initial presentation of the poster helped solidify the detrimental emotional and mental effects of beauty pageants for young girls. All in all, I'm glad that their were both audio and visual elements to this project. It really portrayed all angles of the message and covered all elements.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

School as a sanctuary

      For most individuals school is a chore. It's seen as a mandatory activity forced onto the population of kids 16 and under. However, for some children school is an escape from a hard home life. While this was not the case for me, I believe in some cases this is absolutely true. For these kids school is a safe haven where their good actions and efforts are noticed and rewarded.

     Specifically, fine art programs provides a direct outlet for children. Music, theater, & art classes allow expression and release. In a time where these programs are often being cut because of dwindling budgets, school boards need to keep this in consideration. The outlet of fine arts is valued by many students, but specifically the students that need an escape from their everyday life.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What the beans?

       As if genetically modified crops aren't already scary enough, the company Monsanto intimidates people and skirts around the law. It's terrifying that a company responsible for producing toxic chemicals, such as Roundup, now have a tight grip around the food industry as well. Government run facilities are already frightening because the government can hide as much or as little as it wants to. Monsanto seems to have the government in the palm of its hands, working the justice system to get more and more farmers to comply. 

     All and all the American people should have more of a say when it comes down to the food that they are eating. A 4 to 5 vote in Congress should not justify a monopoly in any food industry. Companies like Monsanto will continue to grow in power and size if precautions aren't taken and eventually it'll be too late to reverse the effects it has already had on soil crops. Unfortunately, Monsanto's power is spreading and will continue to spread if the American people don't take a stand against genetically modified crops.